So, I was told that before my book officially “hit the streets” (sounds ominous, right?) that I should have an elevator pitch or speech.
Basically that means what I can say about my book in the amount of time I’m stuck on an elevator with some poor, unexpecting, future reader…
Here’s my shot — what do you think?
30 Second Elevator Pitch:
Heroin and prescription drug and alcohol abuse in this county is out of control. Worse now than when I was young. The war on drugs is a complete and dismal failure.
I survived this Hell. I found the twelve steps, fell apart at the Third Step:
“Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood him”
I came to a realization that I could not work within these steps. I could not come to a peace within these twelve steps if I had to accept this “God” entity on another’s terms. My understanding of God was always someone else’s understanding. It was a long journey to come to my own peace and acceptance.
My book is a fictional account of both the journey to sobriety and to this ultimate understanding.
I hope it is both entertaining and can provide a positive message to young people, or anyone sliding down this ugly, slippery slope. Interlaced with tales of everyday sex, money, smuggling and murder, it won’t disappoint!