Kill a brother in his car, nothing happens.
Lead an insurrection against the government of the United States, nothing happens.
Threaten the life of the Speaker of the House, nothing happens.
Commit tax fraud, nothing happens.
Use the office of the President of the US as a cash cow, nothing happens.
Give a guided tour of the Capitol to terrorists two days before the insurrection, nothing happens.
Let half a million people die by doing nothing to prevent it, nothing happens.
Use Venmo to pay underage girls for sex, nothing happens.
Give the NYS AG boxes of documents proving illegal financial transactions with Russia, nothing happens.
Let the planet slowly fry to a crisp, and push, ‘clean coal,’ nothing happens.
Push a fascist agenda, undermine the constitution, devalue education, nothing happens.
The lesson of the last five years is, to me, I’m just on the wrong team… thing is, I’m not sure what the teams are anymore.
I’m sick of creeps and coward.