After a week of watching the news again I’ve learned this about Covid:
The vaccine will keep you from getting very sick, unless it doesn’t. Then it won’t, but it won’t kill you, unless it does. So generally it’s good, except when it isn’t, but even then it’s not bad, because after you get the shot, you don’t have to wear a mask, except when you do need to wear a mask. But even if you do need to wear a mask, you don’t need to wear one outside, except sometimes when you do. But even if you do need to wear a mask outdoors you can be indoors with other fully vaccinated people without a mask, probably. Regardless, your protection from the vaccine will last a year, or six months, or three. Then you’ll need a booster, unless you don’t.
I’m happy and grateful I’m fully vaccinated. I’ll continue to wear a mask, because it’s the right thing to do.
The same news that reports a loss in confidence in the vaccine actually reports the nonsense listed above—daily.
I wish the ‘news’ would stop breathlessly reporting speculation and actually report facts—what to do and not do. That would help, a lot, to encourage people to get vaccinated and build confidence. This idiocy serves no one.