“The Elections Don’t Mean Shit—Vote Where the Power Is—Our Power Is In The Street”.
—John Jacobs SDS, 1968 Days of Rage.
We were raised to believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. We were raised to believe we lived in a democracy where your voice and vote matters.
I guess next week there are going to be nationwide protests calling for gun reform. I need to share this reality: Mittens Romney took $13 million from the NRA and he’s one of the good republicans. If public opinion mattered to Mittens and Mitch and even democrat Schumer and New York’s own liberal governor with her NRA ‘A rating;’ if the recent polls that show 88% of Americans want gun reform mattered to these assholes we’d already being seeing change. Not some bullshit jive about “Very narrow bi-partisan congressional discussions.” Fuck you. Fuck you hard.
A bunch of hipsters with beards and angry moms carrying signs and rubbing elbows with politicians who are dropping their ‘g’s’ for the day and leaving off their ties ain’t going to amount to a pinch of shit.
The NRA and the gun industry have more money than you. They own more politicians than you. They deliver a toxic and nonsensical narrative about arming teachers and single entrances and half of you goobers think it makes sense.
Remington sells 2 million assault rifles a year. Let’s assume they only make $100 profit off each gun—they don’t, but let’s really lowball. That would be $200 million a year in profit. They gave the Sandy Hook families $73 million. That is not even a piss in the ocean.
In ‘68 it was smashed windows and burning cop cars and mass arrests and broken bones. In 2022 it’s like the words of Steven Stills’, For What It’s Worth, “Singing songs and carrying signs, mostly say hoo-ray for our side…”
Everyone will go home pumped up and energized. Maybe stop somewhere for a couple of craft beers or some frappe-mocha-coffee shit and think they made a difference.
If you want difference we again need rage. I see angst and sadness and people looking to elected officials—exactly the bastards who allow this to happen—for answers. The answers are not there.
You cannot effect change working within the allowed confines of a corrupt and broken system.