Every time it happens I think not a damn thing has changed since Watts, and Bobby Seale and Huey Newton—1966.
Not a damn thing has changed since Marvin wrote Inner City Blues—1972.
Every time the cities explode with rage I say to some other white guy, “What exactly do you expect?”
Malcolm X said, ““Concerning nonviolence, it is criminal to teach a man not to defend himself when he is the constant victim of brutal attacks.”—1964
Cities will burn again and in a twist of doublespeak that would confound George Orwell, the fascists will blame the anti-fascists. ‘Proud Boys” and the Klan and the other cowards will say things in private they don’t have the balls to say in public, and call themselves patriots.
Emmett Till, 1954, beaten and militated, then shot for passing a comment to white woman, in a grocery store in Mississippi. Recently the white woman, Emmetts accuser, Carolyn Bryant, admitted he never touched her and she made up the accusation.
Not a damn thing has changed. This has always been America. 1861 to 1954 to 2021, not a damn thing has changed. Just the words. The words of some may not be so harsh now. Maybe there is a contrived illusion of compassion and understanding, but not a damn thing has changed since Emmett Till, and not for a hundred years looking back and not for a hundred looking forward.
This has always been exactly what and who we knew we were.
Every time it happens I ponder the crime of being a black man in America—2021
Thank you, Mark Baskerville for clarifying the horrific details of Emmett’s death