Written by Linda Sharp, one of the most talented journalists in the country. The sad thing is that those in greatest need of reading this article would quit midway through the first paragraph.
What Will It Take?
So, you voted for Trump.
You cheered his rhetoric of hate and phobias.
You proudly wore your “Fuck Your Feelings” tshirts to his rallies.
You cried out “Lock her up!” at his events – not caring to comprehend that there is nothing to “lock her up” for. Hell, as recently as last night in Tennessee, you were still chanting that ridiculous mantra as he held another “Make Me Feel Great Again” rally.
You LOVED his blanket condemnations of Islam.
You grabbed your sac every time he hollered how Mexico would pay for his wall.
You deathgripped your whiteness, so fearful of becoming the minority and having the treatment tables turned on you.
You happily lapped up every impossible promise he made.
You fact checked nothing. And you voted for him.
A man-baby so insecure with himself that he championed his own penis in a debate. A self-confessed womanizer, cheater, molester, and piece of excrement who has never had any use for religion was embraced by churchgoers because he said words like “abortion” and let people pray over him. A thinskinned schoolyard bully who tweets as often and as foul-ly as he farts his KFC emissions.
You voted for him despite the hordes of white supremacists who lauded him. You proudly stood shoulder to shoulder with them at his campaign stops. You joined in the mob mentality he meant to elicit each time he pointed to the penned in group of reporters and endangered their very lives.
You voted with your hate, with your ignorance, with your misogyny, with your fears, with your phobias, with your delusions.
You voted for his pledges to “drain the swamp.”
You spent 8 years hating on President Obama for every breath he dared to take, grabbing at every salacious made up story, ridiculing his time spent with his family, spent golfing, hell, you ridiculed his family as well. A family that never had a breath of scandal; a family that is affectionate, intelligent, close. A President who projected intellect, probity, empathy, sympathy; a President who was largely respected around the world.
When the election came around, you were more than happy to transfer your bullshit onto Hillary Clinton, believing all manner of made-up garbage, including that she runs a child rape ring from the basement of a pizza parlor.
Seriously, how fucking dense are you people?
Rhetorical question. No answer needed.
So, you voted for him. For that whole Make America Great Again emptiness, but then bumper sticker thinking tends to win the day in your crowd. Sorry, Trumper sticker thinking.
He has now been in office for just shy of two months. What will it take to make you finally wake up and see what you have let loose?
His great plan to defeat ISIS in 30 days? Where is it? Again, rhetorical question – it exists only between his ears and as expressed hot air when he rambles out loud.
He emboldened all the dullards who see only color, and who feel it is now their right to physically strike out at anyone who is not white – ripping off hijabs, punching people on subways, shooting them dead in bars – all accompanied by the words “Get out of my country!”
He hates Muslims so much (like you) that he has now tried twice to institute travel bans – except from countries where he has financial interests, actual terrorists from those countries be damned – those Mu$lim$ are okey dokey? How do you reconcile that?
You gleefully supported over 33 hearings on Benghazi, not caring one whit how your tax dollars were being squandered on a witchhunt in which your own party could find no wrongdoing on Hillary’s part. Yet Trump orders an ill-conceived, bravado laden raid over dinner resulting in women, children, and a Navy SEAL being killed, and you look away.
Seriously, the mental gymnastics you must be doing to be cool with that are worthy of a Simone Biles gold.
He promised you the “greatest healthcare” while stumping, and has now made it clear that what he supports is tens of millions being throw off their insurance, premium increases that will bankrupt your parents, and millions in tax cuts for his rich friends. Good luck when little Johnny needs asthma meds or you get ass cancer. Or you change jobs and your wife with diabetes can no longer get insured because of that pesky pre-existing condition of hers. Oh, and you are aware that her simply being a woman will be a pre-existing condition, correct? Perhaps you should have done your research and actually comprehended that the Affordable Care Act and the FOX slurred Obamacare are the same thing.
Maybe when enough of you start to die… will that be enough?
You derided Obama as elite for his impressive education, called him a celebrity because of his crowds. Then you elected a petulant, spoiled brat from Wharton, who was a reality TV star.
Does your hypocrisy chafe at all?
Trump assured you time and again that Mexico would pay for that big beautiful border wall. Mexico told him to fuck off time and time again. And now, today, comes the confirmation in his own budget proposal sent to Congress that YOU will be paying the billions for a wall that will be meaningless.
Is that enough? What, no umbrage? No outrage?
You embraced his every childish taunt, his every 3am Twitter rampage during the campaign, thinking them hilarious, brave, profound – how about now that he should be governing yet is more distracted by wars with Nordstrom and Snoop Dogg?
He making you proud by acting like a 12 year old boy with his first cell phone?
That whole swamp draining thing? Um, he is surrounded by white nationalists, climate deniers, liars, and fellow million/billionaires. He loudly derided Hillary for giving a speech at Goldman Sachs – you booed and hissed and wanted her head – he has surrounded himself with former Goldman Sachs employees.
“Her emails! Her server! Security!!!!!” <—-There’s a popular one from the campaign trail. Yet you are as quiet as a ward of coma patients as his administration uses private email servers, he openly conducts the business of national security over dinner at his “winter White House,” invites Mar-a-Lago members to sit in on cabinet interviews, and he continues to use an unsecured Android phone.
Vacations? Golfing? Pfffft. “There’s just so much to be done,” Trump told CBS’ 60 Minutes in an interview broadcast Nov. 13, 2016. “So I don’t think we’ll be very big on vacations, no.” Melissa McCarthy (ahem, Sean Spicer), his sartorially challenged mouthpiece, told FOX “He will never take a vacation… he can’t sit still. He’s so eager to get things done and change things up – there is never an idle moment and so there is not going to be the word vacation will not exist in a Trump administration.”
He leaves tomorrow for the FIFTH weekend trip to Mar-a-Lago, where he most certainly fills his idle time with round after round of golf. He has played NINE times since taking office.
What, is golfing suddenly cool? Ok with all of you who derided every stroke Obama took? And the costs you all shit yourselves blind over in terms of “vacations” when Obama was in office? All these $3 million trips to Florida hunky dory with you? West Palm Beach is starting to realize what a bankrupting grifter he is as his repeated trips are threatening the very existence of many businesses: “We’re going broke.” That $1.7 million dollars in taxpayer money that has gone from the WPB coffers to his security? The White House refuses to even acknowledge the requests to be reimbursed.
Melania living in Manhattan and costing you (all of us) just shy of a million a day? Look, I am fine with their choice to let Barron finish the school year there. My own family has made that choice, hell, we are LIVING that choice, and have been for over 9 years. BUT WE ARE PAYING THE COSTS OF OUR CHOICE.
<Insert crickets.>
Of course it’s ok with you. You’d rather eat from a buffet of Trump’s rectal remnants than admit, perhaps, that you got conned by a man who literally earned the moniker Don The Con DECADES ago. You got played by a reprobate who has made a very public display of constantly and consistently cheating, lying, ripping off, and threatening people all his life. The Art of the Deal? Sorry, the only art here is the art form to which he raised carnival barking.
So what will it take? THAT is a serious question.
Will you have to see your own grandparents starve to death as Meals On Wheels evaporates? Will Putin have to be caught with his tongue in Trump’s mouth and his hand down his trousers for you to stop with the “fake news” bullshit? Sorry, but just because news doesn’t make your head feel good or your pee pee hard does not make it fake. Will your child have to die in front of you because your healthcare disintegrated? Well, you can take heart in all those new weapons of death he has promised for the military.
What will it take for you to finally admit that you were lied to, vote grifted, used?
I suspect for most of you it will take a target finally being squarely placed on your back.
Whether it is healthcare, bankruptcy, your coal jobs NOT coming back, your deployed spouse or child being blown to bits in a war of distraction and bravado, or finally being labeled a “loser” by Trump for being poor – it will happen.
You cheered as he targeted Muslims. Because you aren’t one. You applauded as he targeted the LGBT. Because you aren’t one. You proudly wore your MAGA hats as he targeted Mexicans. Because you aren’t one. You laughed as he constantly went after minorities (pssst, brown people). Because you are not one. You clapped like a deranged seal as he repeatedly took aim at Black Lives Matter supporters. Because you are not one. You blew off his obvious ridiculing of a disabled reporter. Because you are not disabled.
Your target is coming. It is inevitable. You will need something at some point – we all do – assistance, insurance, school lunches for your children when you lose your job, food stamps, housing aid, an emergency operation, and on and on. And when you do, you will be a loser, a taker, a welfare cheat. Too bad you can’t eat boot straps.
Some of you are slowly opening your eyes – comment sections now contain those who confess to making a mistake with their vote, TrumpRegrets collects all the staunch supporters who have finally realized they have been chewing on bullshit, not red meat, thrown to them by this fraud. Investigations into his lies and connections (and those of the cadre of villains around him) are ongoing and more is gleaned every day.
His house of cards is coming down. Alternative facts, fake news, Tweets meant to distract, all of it, will eventually give way to cold, hard facts that reveal how vile, corrupt, compromised, and naked is this emperor. Sadly, however, the damage has been done.
And you own it. All 62 million who looked the other way at every horrific statement, heinous promise, and pledge to hurt other people. You did this to our nation because, like Trump, you cared more about winning than you do about your neighbors, this country.
What will it take? Pain.
It’s coming, Trumpers. But when you are crying, in need, damaged, bereft, don’t expect the majority that tried to keep this from happening to feel sorry for you.
To quote your tshirts: Fuck Your Feelings.