So… in August 2017 Putin-Russia got into a deal with the corrupt Niger government. The deal was to provide Russia cheap oil in exchange for protection from ISIS and other forces that would upend this sexy money tree.
Putey called his lap dog, trump, and somehow, almost magically, US forces were on the ground there and four American servicemen died under horrible circumstances and were left to lay there dead for days.
Word from the White House and Congress and this dick – pictured above – in case you don’t recognize him that’s Trey BENGHAZI Gowdy – crickets.
Patriot Trey, Ignoring the 13 embassy attacks under Bush that killed 60 Americans to paint BENGHAZI!!!!!!!! as the single worst event in American history has yet nothing to say about Niger…
What about this, oh fearless patriot leader?
Where is the moral outrage?
Where Trey?
PLEASE TWITTER BOMB THIS FUCK and ask him, where is the outrage! Where is the $28 million investigation? Where are the endless hearings?
Oh, Trey?
Maybe its Hillary’s fault, Trey? Better check her email!!
Thank you @DWJensen63 for NIGERGATE and NIGERGHAZI