People talking to me a lot about end times, recently. Fires and floods and hurricanes and earthquakes. “Morons” with their fingers on the nuclear buttons.
These conversations make me realize I need, at the very least, a basic belief system to imagine there could be an end times. My belief system is wrecked beyond repair. I feel abandoned by the religion I was raised in. I see so much hate and wrong.
How do you vote against health insurance for children? How do you take away Medicaid from the elderly? How do you not care for soldiers after they come home blown apart, or oppose food stamps for hungry kids? How do you allow pharmaceutical companies to write health care law while 60,000 addicts will die in the US – THIS YEAR, and then sell yourself as a Christian nation?
I deeply admire people who can, despite the world we live in find something to believe in. Be it Jesus or Buddha or Mohammed or God or Allah. I believe in something, I just hope it’s different than what Jimmy Swaggart and Joel Osteen is selling. Those guys make me feel like I’m watching a used car salesman selling 1970’s Ford Pintos and Chryslers.
I guess you need to be old to know how bad some 70’s cars were.
Where do you turn when you realize everything you ever believed in is a scam? It’s like the truth I tried to deny in the 70’s and 80’s: Nixon, Watergate, The collapse of Saigon, trickle -down economics, Iran -Contra deals, everything was just something else we were sold, and we bought it.
Jimmy Swaggart lying crying after being busted with hookers in motels… Jeauuusus has forgivin’ me, why, oh why caint choo…
The truth I tried to ignore has now become incontrovertible.
It’s not the end times, it’s simply a time when the veil has been lifted and we see the ugly truth. It is like seeing the world for the first time without the warm cloak of bullshit we’ve all been fed to make us feel safe and warm. It’s the same as it ever was.