I had an interesting conversation with my daughter last night.
First, she asked me why I still talk to and entertain some of the right wing, NRA, Trump supporters. I told her that I believe that there is still something to be learned from these guys, that you can’t isolate yourself in a bubble and only talk to like-minded people and ever expect to learn anything or ever expect to cause any kind of change.
That said, I also had to admit that it is really frustrating to try and understand how intelligent people can fall for this dog and pony show.
I have one friend, he is the only one who has ever explained his position to me clearly, he didn’t give me a bunch of FOX News soundbites, he gave me facts and reason. I respect facts and reason.
Then my daughter said something profound it is still resonating with me now 12 hours later:
“If we didn’t get any sensible gun control, any sensible gun regulation out of Sandy Hook, where babies were murdered two weeks before Christmas, do you really expect to get any now?”
We are being murdered on the streets and churches, and concerts and movie theaters and no one who has the power to do anything gives a flying fuck. They won’t until one of theirs gets taken out. Even then the power of money may still win out. Two members of Congress, Gabby Gifford, and Steve Scalise have been shot, but that sweet gun lobby money seems more powerful.
If dead babies don’t get these assholes to wake up, I don’t know what will.