I average four text messages a week from people I’ve never met either struggling with addiction or a friend or relative of a victim. I have six friends, including two of my closest friends with cancer. Not some bullshit cancerous pimple, but deep in your guts, fuck your life cancer.
All I ever see debated and discussed is absolute bullshit, mail servers and pussy and ISIS, from, seriously, the most most ineffective, insincere, bottom feeding scum among us. People who could or will have the power to do somehow about what is really killing us, all of us, but instead we are told to piss ourselves over “terror” and invading hordes.
I’ve been screaming and railing against this machine all my life. It doesn’t matter. Just last night I was thinking about how little change for the good I’ve seen in all my years of bitching. A couple of rivers may be less polluted, some street crime may be better, but under the hood the crime and corruption and dog and pony show that is this government just runs on out of control unabated. And the criminals are not the poor bastards rotting in the for profit prison system.
These motherfuckers are out to kill us and profit from it. We are bodies they can profit from. Cancer alone is a $200 BILLION dollar a year business. You think they want a cure? To lose a $200 billion dollar a year business? Big Pharma made 14 billion from Oxy alone since it was released on the market – that is ONE drug! Do you think big Pharma wants to help end the drug plague while sitting on fat stacks of cash?
Black lives matter and police and gun violence. You think all of this is not carefully designed to make us hate and fight each other. It’s hard to pay attention to much else that is going on in the middle of a gun fight.
People ask me why I’m so pissed off all the time. It’s a side effect of not being brain dead.