The Journey Begins: One Writer’s Path to Publication

yellow-brick-roadLet me begin by busting a myth: Writing is not glamorous.

But for the writer, it’s as necessary a breathing… Word vomit if you will, something we must purge ourselves of in order to walk among others without the tops of our heads flying off from the enormous pressure of needing to get the words out of us…

I thought being a journalist was tough work, until I wrote a novel. 

Once the writing is done, a new “nightmare” ensues… the path to publication, wrought with loose stones and brutal potholes. No yellow brick road here, kids. Rather, it’s a whole process of finding a publisher, getting a book edited (and re-edited, and edited again), Third.Step.05choosing a cover, bringing a book to market, and then hopefully connecting with enough like-minded readers that your words will be read by more than just you and your mother.

So this is my journey, my path to publication of The Third Step, my first full length novel. I invite you to laugh along, cry along, and gnash your teeth with me as I regale you with tales of the publishing process…

Fair warning, it’s not for the faint of heart.

Bill Lobb