I got asked, once again, why I’ve had so many covid tests. Simple answer: I’m not a sociopath. I don’t go to work in one building with one group of people every day. I can be inside and involved with people—face to face—in five different offices in any given day. Some days I work totally remote. It’s a mix. I feel when I learn I’ve had any exposure to an outbreak it’s my social responsibility to test and act and isolate if I do in fact test positive.
I have about 30 clients I see on a regular basis. Fully half of them have experienced at least one major covid outbreak in the past year. Some more than one. Most have had outbreaks severe enough to close the business for a week or more.
My clients run a wide swath; some flat out don’t care, and don’t mask. Thankfully that group is only two clients and I visit them rarely—and they have had at least two outbreaks that shut them down. One client was, until very recently, taking my temperature before I could enter their building. Another makes me fill out a form. I don’t mind masks and forms and getting my temp taken. To me it’s all about being respectful and how we deal with this still ongoing mess.
Ironically the places where they don’t mask at all and the most locked down, masked up, temp taking clients all have had outbreaks. In fact two of the most locked down, careful places; places I never expected to have outbreaks have had severe problems. That doesn’t mean masks don’t work, it means this shit is everywhere.
Right now I count three family member dead from Covid.
That’s why I’ve tested so much.