I was watching that embarrassment last week, “the debate,” wondering when or if those two would get around to heroin and prescription pills and the addiction epidemic.
The debaters did, for about thirty seconds. Hilary mouthed some pre-packaged words about the “war on drugs” and police and enforcement and then, I don’t know… she lost me.
Then Trump went off on some stupid shit about his wall. Fuck his wall. Fuck him, Fuck her. Fuck congress. Fuck the state governments. Fuck the local governments. There is no war on drugs, there is a war on addicts, a war on people, a war on our kids.
The CIA is the largest criminal organization in the world, the largest the world has ever known. If you want to shut down the drug flow into the country, shut down the CIA… You didn’t need to waste your youth hanging in bars with spooks to know this. It’s widely documented and of course, widely denied.
If you think for a second the government, at any level, has any interest in ending the plague of addiction you are sadly wrong.
We are consumers. We are given credit to buy shit we don’t need and can’t afford. Then there are credit repair companies, debt relief companies, Hell, even bankruptcy lawyers and losses for banks. The bad debts are packaged into credit default swaps and derivatives and sold.
Cancer is a $200 billion dollar a year business. $200 billion dollars, American. Think about that for a minute. You really think the people involved in cancer treatment want to see an end that cash cow? That’s a trillion dollars a decade.
Big Pharma. We are consumers when we go to the doctor and we are prescribed Percocet for a goddamn hangnail, we are the best kind of consumer, an addicted consumer. I can’t think of a better customer than one who cannot live without a product. Did you know, or do you care, Endo pharmaceutical has made $14 billion on that little gem. That’s one fucking pill. One pill. I’ve gone to doctors a number of times, told them I am a drug addict, a drunk, and been giving a script for that garbage, “just in case you need it.” I’ve dealt with shady looking guys behind bars and alleys with more scruples.
The US has about 6% of the worlds population and we use 75% of the opiates.
We are a fat, lazy nation that needs pills to manage everything. They have a pill for restless-fucking leg-syndrome, for Christ’s sake. We are given pills to keep us just well enough to need more pills.
A for profit prison system… 5 billion a year, it’s not cancer or Percocet, or heroin, but 5 billion isn’t pocket change. Bust them for drug possession, and keep the prison population full. Again, the US has about 6% of the worlds population and 22% of the prison population.
You don’t need to look too far or too hard. Just follow the money…
Maybe you don’t see where all this ties together. I envy you.
We are consumers. That is what we are here for. There are countries where there is a real war on drug abuse and addiction, and they are making huge and important strides. They have stopped treating addicts like criminals and started treating them like sick people with a disease. The US is not one of these countries.
We are here to consume. I stopped being a consumer of drugs twenty three years ago this Friday. I still deal with junkies and their families and friends – fucking daily. There are people so isolated in their own little bubble that they see drug addiction as a choice, I can’t even fight that fight anymore. I envy them their ignorance. But, fuck that ignorance. It will be very real shortly. Your kid, you niece or nephew, grand kid, friends kid… they will be a name in the paper and the “it’s a choice crowd,” will ask, “how could it happen, he/she was such a nice kid…” Because it happens to nice kids and nice families. I say this every fucking day of my life, but , no one, NO ONE, ever woke up and decided it would be fun to be an addict, but it has become almost a civic duty.
Deadly, dirty heroin is so cheap today people who can’t afford their Percocet use it for pain. But they can’t and don’t stop. As if heroin wasn’t bad enough it’s now laced with Fentanyl and large animal tranquilizers. Every time I post something like this I get private messages and texts, from people who apparently feel some guilt, and don’t want to publicly admit a problem about a cousin, child, niece, nephew, themselves, who just recently OD’d. Many, far too many, don’t make it. But that’s ok, with heroin this cheap, there is a whole country full of consumers. We lose twice as many people annually to heroin and other opiates than were lost in the entire Vietnam War – EVERY YEAR – and no one says a goddamn word about it. Keep it quiet and follow the money. Always follow the fucking money.
I recently was asked by a kid, using heroin, if I thought he had a problem. He was sure, they are all sure, they can handle it. I looked at him and said, “You are taking a dirty needle, you got from god knows where, and putting some shit you bought on the street, not knowing if it will kill you today, or tomorrow, into your bloodstream and you’ve got the balls to ask me that stupid, fucking question?”
I’d love for one of these “choice” people to see dope sick. There is nothing like dope sick. Those puking, shaking, sweating kids are lost and dying. The governments answer is jail. Dope sick in jail and back on the street for more dope. Consumers.
We had two people in this country with Ebola and everyone lost their minds. It was news for weeks. I still see signs when entering hospitals, “if you have traveled to West Africa…” I was actually asked that recently entering a health care facility. I lost my mind and told the guy to stop insulting me with stupid questions. Just stop being part of the problem.
A handful of “terrorist attacks.” It seems any idiot with an assault rifle who can scream, “Allahu Akbar,” is a Muslim terrorist, and everyone is shaking in their boots and seeing something and saying something …
Meanwhile, 100,000 people every year are dying from this “war on drugs.” Not a goddamn word is said – ever. At least, not by anyone who could actually do something, those who could end this.
We are doing what they want us to do. We are consumers. We consume. We consume more, we go to jail and we die.
This country, the shitstorm that masquerades as a government wants us exactly as we are, doing and dying and working the plan.
We are not citizens of a concerned compassionate government. We are collateral damage. We are fodder. We die, and four more consumers come up to take our place.
Every week, not once a month, not three or four times a year, every goddamned week, I hear of another loss. I see the suits and ties and pantsuits taking about the “war on drugs,” and I just want to start breaking shit.
It’s a war on people, for profit.