I’ve looked forward to this day for 25 years. Never sure I’d see it. To be honest, on October 28, 1993 I wasn’t sure I’d see October 29th, let alone 25 years.
I’d had a disturbing phone call the night before. My doctor, a friend, and drinking buddy, called me.
He simply said, “Bill, your liver enzymes are through the roof, triglycerides too. You are in end-stage liver failure. You are going to die.”
Being told I was going to die didn’t seem to phase me. My life at the time was ugly and dirty and violent. The threat of death seemed to be a pretty much accepted daily occurrence. I asked Frank, my doctor, and source for some primo pharma, how long he figured I had left. He said if I did nothing maybe a month, maybe six weeks.
Six weeks would be my daughter’s birthday. I really didn’t care much about dying, I didn’t want to die on her birthday. [Read more…] about Twenty Five Years